Santa Cruz: Starting a Business in the County of Santa Cruz
Event Details
Now is your chance to start the business you’ve always wanted to and this webinar will detail the steps to get you off on the right foot. We’ve condensed our 10 Page Checklist of must-knows down to a one hour webinar. Run through the logistics of starting a new business in the County of Santa Cruz in this brand new workshop. Our “Start-Up” specialist, Keith Holtaway, will lead through the below subjects and more!
Legal Structures
Fictitious Business Name
Business Licenses
Possible Permits Needed
Employer Identification Numbers
Required Tax Documents
Employee Classification
Business Insurance
Business Funding
Keith Holtaway has been a Santa Cruz resident and entrepreneur for the past 35 years. He has been a small business consultant specializing in business planning for start-ups, turnaround strategies for struggling businesses, and obtaining financing for business growth.